Mindblown: a blog about life in NJ.
Welcome to Mindblown, a blog dedicated to exploring the unique ExperiENCE OF NanJing.
Say hi to yourself
It might seem like sadness or loneliness, but it is not. You are wonderful and courageous.
An Automated Program
An Automated Program The school imposes numerous tedious and unnecessary requirements on lecturers, which waste a significant amount of my time. Therefore, I plan to develop an application to handle these tasks efficiently. So far, I have written a small program to manage data manipulation, and I am currently working on the GUI. Hopefully, I…
你听说过LaTeX吗?它是一种非常流行的文档编写语言,可以用于撰写文章、报告、简历、幻灯片等文档。以下是使用LaTeX的步骤: 1. 选择一个LaTeX编辑器:选择一个LaTeX编辑器。常用选项包括: 2. 安装LaTeX发行版(如果不使用Overleaf): 3. 打开你的编辑器:启动你选择的LaTeX编辑器。 4. 创建一个新文档:在你的编辑器中创建一个新文档。 5. 基本文档结构:编写LaTeX文档的基本结构: 6. 编译文档:将文档保存为.tex扩展名,并编译生成PDF。在大多数编辑器中,有一个“编译”或“运行”按钮。 然而,最简单的使用LaTeX的方法是创建一个Overleaf账户,并使用Overleaf上的模板。例如,你可以使用这个简历模板: CV
A note on SQL and MySQL
This note is based on the learning materials from Liao Xuefeng’s website and W3Schools. It takes about half a day to quickly learn SQL. Part One: Basic Concepts What is SQL? SQL (Structured Query Language) is used to store and manage large amounts of data. What is MySQL? MySQL is an open-source SQL database management…
Hope everything is getting better
Getting an injury is upsetting. I can’t do much besides lying in bed all day, so I’m trying to make some changes. Let me start by writing something. Today, we’re talking about the Chinese College Entry Examination (CCEE). Every year, more than 10 million young Chinese students take the CCEE. It is extremely competitive and…
Got any book recommendations?